シンプルに整理された各部屋は単体で見た時それぞれ静的な空間を作り出している。 しかしその中でそれぞれの部屋には生活の動きに合わせた回遊する繋がりも持たせた。またその動きと共に、隣り合う部屋の横断により伸縮するような変化を作り出すよう意識している。
In order to arrange the many overlapping conditions, we have built this project with direct and natural in a simple way.
Each simple room create a static space when viewing by itself. However, each room also has a circulated connection to meet the living movement. Also with that movement, we create a stretchable change by passing each rooms.
This house has two elements of dynamic movement in a static sense. Dynamic elements are something like ‘‘a trace’’ this time, so we do not know how much influence does it have. But we secretly expect that the movement which became free in a sense of security could lead to something creative circuit.
House T
Location: Tochigi, Japan Status: Completed Area: 90㎡ Program: Residence Date: 2018
Structure: yasuhirokaneda STRUCTURE Photo: Tomooki Kengaku